Hip Hop Legs and Paul Simon Runs: A Beginner's Guide to Working Out in NYC Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroSeptember 16, 2015yoga, workout, fitness, running, hip hop, dance class, New York City, New home, Adventure, CreativityComment
Handstands & Hustling Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroSeptember 14, 2015handstands, hustling, free, personal training, crunch fitness, gym, Adventure, New York City, New homeComment
Our First Measuring Cup Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroSeptember 8, 2015New home, New York City, transformation, moving, cross-country move, Adventure, measuring cupComment
Week Two of Moving to NYC in Review Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroSeptember 5, 2015moving, cross-country move, creati, standup, comedy, mosquitos, New York City, New home, transformation Comment
My Boyfriend the Bridesman Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroSeptember 1, 2015boyfriend, adventure, moving, cross-country move, New home, New York City, eric, weddingComment
The most exciting thing happened... Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroAugust 27, 2015food blog, patio furniture, home and garden, New York City, New home, Adventure, transformation, moving, savory oats, cookingComment
Katie B. Takes a Poop Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroAugust 25, 2015pooping, home, New York City, cross-country move, New home, moving, Fly, trash dayComment
Welcome to my New York adventure! Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroAugust 23, 2015Julia Cameron, The Artist's Way, New York City, Creativity, Adventure, transformation, self-reflection, moving, cross-country move, art, travelComment