Katie B. Takes a Poop
August 25, 2015
That's right--I just took my first poop in our new apartment! It's officially a home. More on the apartment later (teaser: it's a real place; the guy who's renting it to us is SO sweet and a bigger pack rat then me; we've spent most of the day donating 2/3 TVs, an extraneous coffee table, lamp, computer monitor, and desk and scraping rusty sticky gunk off the floorboards).
On a related note, let's talk about the smells! I figure I better write about them now before my nose acclimates and I no longer remember what outside is supposed to smell like. New York smells like hot cheese. Like nacho cheese that has been sitting out for hours in a crockpot at a school bake sale. And it has that thick rubbery film on top. It's that smell mixed with fish food. My reaction to it varies from "Ooo is that food??" to actively scanning for vomit on the sidewalk. (Disclaimer: it appears today was trash day.)
On another related note, here's a colorful 1" long fly I spotted in the grocery store this morning!
Things are going great!