My Boyfriend the Bridesman

I realize I've barely talked about Eric, my Tinder boyfriend turned actual boyfriend who I just moved across the country with! This is probably my subconscious attempt to assert that my big life move was for me--which is true! But I'm super happy and thankful that Eric just so happened to want to make a big life move for himself too.

We just came back to our new home from our first vacation! This past weekend, Eric was a bridesmaid (bridesman, pop...bridesMAN) in his good friend Hilary's wedding in Auburn, New York (this was "upstate?"...all I know is that it was near a lake and we got to ride a in a plane). Eric's friends are all hilarious, fun, genuine, good-vibey and now they're my friends too! Mwahaha!

Eric had a great Hilary story that he of course didn't say out loud in a toast. But he did whisper it to me at the rehearsal dinner, so I feel I should share it here:

I remember a time when I was doing improv in a group with Hilary. A scene started with three other improvisors who were standing in a line clearly all peeing in separate urinals. One improvisor left the scene and someone entered and said something that implied there were only two urinals. I'm sure I thought, 'Oh well, it's ruined. We look like idiots.' But Hilary just walked into the scene and started washing her hands where the third guy had been peeing. She fixed everything. That's just what she does.

I just thought that was the sweetest story coming from the guy who doesn't remember anything (but who does now remember my birthday because I ask him everyday).

Here are some wedding highlights!

I stole this from Hilary's mom's facebook...ooops! But this perfectly captures how fun the entire weekend was!

I stole this from Hilary's mom's facebook...ooops! But this perfectly captures how fun the entire weekend was!

Hilary is the coolest person. She sang "Ramble On Rose" by The Grateful Dead with a full band at the reception. And it was amazing. I also stole this picture from Hilary's mom. The rest are mine!

Hilary is the coolest person. She sang "Ramble On Rose" by The Grateful Dead with a full band at the reception. And it was amazing. I also stole this picture from Hilary's mom. The rest are mine!

This is Eric looking super comfortable in his bridesman robe!

This is Eric looking super comfortable in his bridesman robe!

Here is Eric with his fellow bridesmen and maids. (These are those fun, authentic, joy-producing humans I was talking about!)

Here is Eric with his fellow bridesmen and maids. (These are those fun, authentic, joy-producing humans I was talking about!)

Eric making sure his Yamaka is sitting right. We later discovered that yamakas are also a fun and safe way to play frisbee in the house! (I just googled "Is it okay to play frisbee with a yamaka?" and the internet somehow has no answer, so I'll just…

Eric making sure his Yamaka is sitting right. We later discovered that yamakas are also a fun and safe way to play frisbee in the house! (I just googled "Is it okay to play frisbee with a yamaka?" and the internet somehow has no answer, so I'll just hope it's not offensive.)

This people are serious about their mail!

This people are serious about their mail!

Our "landlord" asked for a picture of us so we sent him this. He said "OMG LOVE THAT PICTURE...i wil get them to check th A/C" ...He's the best.

Our "landlord" asked for a picture of us so we sent him this. He said "OMG LOVE THAT PICTURE...i wil get them to check th A/C" ...He's the best.

Hilary gave Eric a cool knife for his bridesman gift.

Hilary gave Eric a cool knife for his bridesman gift.

We posed with it for the caricature artist at the reception.

We posed with it for the caricature artist at the reception.

He nailed us!

He nailed us!

....and now we're back home and I discovered a new game called "How big of a paint piece can you peel off the wall?"

....and now we're back home and I discovered a new game called "How big of a paint piece can you peel off the wall?"

I win every time.

I win every time.