Handstands & Hustling
I'm sure your wondering how my free one-time personal training session with Akeem went. I can do handstands now!!
...against a wall. This was probably Take 4283729. But hey, I got it!
And it generalized into the home environment... (Yeah, I'm still an OT. I still talk like this.)
Side note: Today the doorman said, "Congratulations on your revolutionary top," I think referring to this Lululemon shirt. Granted, it has a build-in bra, so it IS pretty revolutionary. But what did he mean?!?
What did he MEAN?! Is it about boobs? Does he know how much padding there is? I have so many questions.
Also I just had my first two stand up shows without my parents in the audience! Frightening!
My first show was Friday night at the Broadway Comedy Club. It was a "Bringer" show--i.e. you can perform if you bring at least one person who pays the $20 cover and 2 drink minimum. (This amounts to around $40 for ONE PERSON. I can't look anyone in the eyes and tell them my 6 minute set will totally be worth dropping that kind of cash.) So I brought Eric and mentioned on the way over that I would just going to pay for him to be my person. Logical Eric was like..."That's way too much money to pay to perform somewhere." And he was right. But good thing in the back of my mind I had PLAN B: Hustling. Hustling was Plan B.
Here is the "Story of the Hustling" as dramatically dictated by Eric Paton and transcribed by Katie Barbaro:
Once there was a gal named Katie Barbaro. She was a bit of a comedian. But you know, the thing about comedy is you can only do it if someone's watching. So when Katie found herself signed up to do a comedy show with no audience, well, she had to take matters into her own hands. She spotted a couple of confused Australian tourists, like a lion picking out the weak members of the herd. And she pounced, promising them laughter and uh...uh.... what's the word? I can't think of the word...RIBALDRY. Ribaldry. [Eric takes over the typing here.] The poor Aussies were helpless to resist and before they knew it they were walking into a 3-hour comedy show. Katie performed her six minute set and walked off the stage to a thunderous applause. She kept walking straight out the door, giving the finger to the Aussies as she left them to languish in amateur comedy purgatory. "I love this city," she said as she lit up a cigarette, "best fuckin' city in the world."
...Part of that story was real. This is me doing stand up in New York! It's from another night. But whatever.
And last night I did a competition show and brought 3 actual audience members (Alex, Annah, and Matt) and got a spot on their calendar for a month!
...and I spent the rest of my weekend applying to OT jobs. Stay tuned for more!