The most exciting thing happened...

We got cute balcony furniture!

The best part was transporting it along with 2 giant bags of groceries on the subway during rush hour for 5 stops and somehow avoiding eye contact with the man next to us who was making a speech to the entire subway car about how he hadn't eaten in 4 days. "Don't worry these bags are full of raw meat! It would kill you!" This is the sentence that popped into my head as a thing that would be appropriate to say in this situation. Thankfully I just sat in front of our adorable picnic table and said nothing.

I know, you're probably wondering, "What was your first meal on your cute balcony furniture?!" Okayyyy fine I'll tell you...


This is the most delicious food I know how to make and I got all excited and took a bunch of pictures and was going to tell you exactly how to make it...but now that seems like too much work so you can just look at the general recipe here. I'll still show you the pictures with silly captions of course because that's easy and fun!


Mmmm bacon!

Mmmm bacon!

Mmm onions caramelized IN the bacon grease!!* *this is a pro-tip that was given to me in passing by Josh Dean and I've done it ever since

Mmm onions caramelized IN the bacon grease!!*
*this is a pro-tip that was given to me in passing by Josh Dean and I've done it ever since

Add 1 part oats 2 parts water or milk (we're poor, so water) and eventually it looks like this

Add 1 part oats 2 parts water or milk (we're poor, so water) and eventually it looks like this

Oats + Bacon =

Oats + Bacon =

Yummy!! (You'd also want to add cheese here...but we decided that'd be a frivolous purchase at this point)

Yummy!! (You'd also want to add cheese here...but we decided that'd be a frivolous purchase at this point)

We have one frying pan so I sneakily hid the oats in a bowl under a bowl to keep them steamy! Then I fried some eggs beautifully.

We have one frying pan so I sneakily hid the oats in a bowl under a bowl to keep them steamy! Then I fried some eggs beautifully.

Flipping can be tricky! Oops!

Flipping can be tricky! Oops!

If you ever find yourself breaking a couple of yolks prematurely, take the egg with the intact yolk for yourself. You cooked those eggs. You deserve it!

If you ever find yourself breaking a couple of yolks prematurely, take the egg with the intact yolk for yourself. You cooked those eggs. You deserve it!

But no one's crying over broken yolks when you're sitting on CUTE BALCONY FURNITURE!

But no one's crying over broken yolks when you're sitting on CUTE BALCONY FURNITURE!

There you have it. The most exciting thing that's happened so far. And now I'm officially a person who has blogged about food (what does that mean?!)

(Fun fact: I am currently sitting on that blue chair AS I TYPE THIS!)