Welcome to my New York adventure!
August 23, 2015
You're tuning in at a great time. I'm reallocating my life energy! I'm a Los Angeles (well, Glendale) native moving to New York to follow my passion for comedy, acting, and improv (while continuing to work part-time as a pediatric OT--thanks for the master's degree mom and dad).
I'm taking a big leap and trusting that the net will appear to catch me (please see caption below for an extensive citation of this idea that I am in no way taking credit for). This is my blog will be where I write all of the silly, scary, fun, and noteworthy things that happen on my adventure. Stay tuned for more!
"Leap and the net will appear." - John Burroughs from The Art of Seeing Things...quoted by Julia Cameron in The Artist's Way...painted on wood by (then) Emily Camin for the best 25th birthday present ever...sitting on Katie Barbaro's bookshelf in Glendale, California because it was a little too big to pack.