My Escape from the Cult of Thinness Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 24, 2017body love, body image, bulimia, binge eating, disordered eating, recovery, exercise, weight, skinny, addiction, Creativity, healing, transformationComment
My Body is Working! Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 16, 2017period, womanhood, body, body love, body image, letter from my body, Intuitive Eating, adventure, transformation, self-reflection, selfcare, bulimic, disordered eatingComment
The Adventures of BabyFoot Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 12, 2017babyfoot, selfcare, beauty products, bikram yoga, storytellingComment
To Run or Not To Run (aka the working title of my memoir) Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 7, 2017exercise, body love, body, body image, food, food pictures, food obsession, bingeing, calorie counting, Intuitive Eating Comment
What Do I Really Want? Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 5, 2017alcohol, drinking, binge eating, addiction, drama, birthday, sober, desire, garbage disposalComment
Over-Confident Crop Top Girl Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroSeptember 30, 2017body, body image, negative thought patterns, reframe, stream of consciousness, kabala, kabala braceletComment
"Have you read The Artist's Way?!" Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroSeptember 29, 2017creativity, spirituality, personal growth, self-reflection, transformation, truth, The Artist's Way, Julia Cameron, books, book recommendations, Glennon Doyle, Elizabeth GilbertComment
Showing Up Now: Same Blog, New Focus Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroSeptember 23, 2017showing up, perfectionism, freedom, creativityComment