Packing Priorities and Pack Rat Purge
I'm flying Southwest, so I'm taking it as a personal challenge to only bring what I can fit into two 50 pound checked bags, a big-as-they-let-you-bring carry-on, and a "purse" (more like Mary Poppins' carpetbag). Things I've done to prepare include rolling up yoga towels and shoving them into my Nutribullet cups, removing the contents of Taboo and other beloved games from their unnecessary boxes, and consolidating tubes of puffy paint by squeezing one same-colored tube into another.
That part is fun. The other part of packing is feeling guilty for leaving my parents with a room full of currently-used things that don't fit in my bags AND dozens of boxes of sentimental things I've accumulated over the past 26 years. Being a packrat is tricky, but I've finally outsmarted myself! My fancy new trick is that I record myself going through old treasures so I'll be more willing to throw them away! After all, the fun part is just looking at the things and being like "Oh yeah, that thing!" Now I can do that forever...and so can you!
Here is the first installment of the Pack Rat Purge: