I’m Still Here! A Slice of My NYC Life
I seem to have taken an unintentional 6-month hiatus from blog-posting. Dumb excuses: The longer you put something off, the harder it seems to do; AND the more you have to write about, the less time you have to write it. OH WELL! I'm BACK! Here's a highlight reel of the past 6 months:
We ushered in 2016 with no cooking gas in our apartment! There was a gas leak that they couldn't find/fix so they shut off all the gas for the entire building for 3+ months. We knew it was bad when they gave every resident a free hot plate and started hosting "Hot Plate Express Pizza Nights" on a biweekly basis. #bringyourownchair
It was like camping!! ...in our apartment...in the city...in the winter.
I didn't attend any of these pizza nights, but I'd like to think they looked like a middle school dance where no one wants to talk to each other, but they do to be polite and to get more pizza. Do you get pizza at middle school dances? I bet. Pizza is SO middle school, amiright?!
The snowstorm "Jonas" was very cool! I was a little bummed to find out it doesn't always snow that much. I think I was confusing New York for the midwest.
This is our snowman "Jonas" of course.
On Valentines Day weekend it was 3° outside and Eric made us an ice skating rink on our balcony! It was the best Valentine's Day ever! Also, Eric had no idea it was Valentine's Day.
VISITORS! I love living in New York because people want to come VISIT ME!! We had a great time with my parents, Michelle & Chris, and Eric's parents visiting NYC! The weird thing about having visitors is feeling like you're on vacation, but then you realize you're at home and you need to keep living your life. The cool thing about having visitors is having an excuse to do cool new things! For instance, we had our first, second, and third dinners in Little Italy with our visitors! #carboloadingfornothing
Yeah mom & dad!
Yeah Judy & Ray!
Yeah Michelle & Chris!
I quit all my OT jobs! Yeah!
I've done some acting things! Yeah! Here's one of the weirdest:
I played Nancy Reagan on "American Likbez," a Russian TV show about American history. (I know...what?!) They're devoting several episodes to the American presidents where the Russian star Victor Topaller (pictured here) portrays a different American president every week. This is the scene where Nancy Reagan (me) falls in love with Ronald Reagan (Victor)--you know, that pivotal moment in US history. Right before we started shooting, the female producer mentioned that Victor sometimes says inappropriate things with the actresses. His catch phrase was, "Now is time for the bedroom scene?" To which I replied, "We're shooting on a green screen so maybe this will be a bedroom scene." I found out later he has the nickname "Russian Limbaugh." When he wasn't making inappropriate sexual remarks, he made conversation by explaining how Obama was ruining our country. Anyways, I got $75 for 3 hours of work.
I started running a biweekly standup show! If we're Facebook friends, you're probably thinking "YEAH KATIE, WE KNOW!!" Please also know that every time I promote a show on social media, my inner monologue is "Please don't hate me for doing this I hope I don't look self-obsessed."
Speaking of being self-obsessed, here's a picture of me doing stand up!
BARKING: It's part of what I do to get audience members for my stand up shows. Barking is when I walk around the village (which sounds very quaint) and ask people if they want to go to a free stand up show. I'm pretty friendly and I love talking to strangers, so fun things happen when I'm barking! Last week, a couple propositioned me for a threesome. I thought they were joking so I played along and then they were like "no but really" and I was like "no but really come to my standup show" and they were like "no" and I was like "no for me too." Wednesday night a guy asked to take a picture with me "because he had a feeling I was going places." This MIGHT have been because I was wearing my glasses and I look a little like Tina Fey (who has already gone many places), but I'm going to take this as positive feedback from the universe! Someone wants to use iPhone storage space on my face because he has a good feeling about me! COOL!
Thanks for reading! Most important takeaway: come visit me and I'll take you to eat yummy pasta.