Big Girl Bra and Other Happenings
Today was my first day wearing a real bra (i.e. not a sports bra) in New York. The sole reason for this uncomfortable occasion was that I had an OT job interview! There's nothing that says employable, sophisticated lady like an underwire. I should clarify: I thought I had an OT job interview today. What I actually had was a 2 hour session of filling out tax forms and having the most New Yorker-y lady explain and re-explain the 10 things I need to give them before they can start sending me out on jobs (information that another potential employer literally gave me in a 1-paragraph email). I get the sense she's used to talking to really incompetent people. (To that point, she initially had the wrong stack of papers with her when our conversation began and I saw another resumé in the stack on which a prospective employee had typed his name at the top using WordArt. Maybe I'm being judgmental, but I feel like using WordArt is only acceptable up until your 4th grade Mission Report at most. I'm not sure what's worse: using WordArt on your resumé or considering this guy for employment.) Also, I hadn't even applied for this job! They found my resume on some recruiter website and called me asking if I could come in today. At no point did they even ask if I wanted to work with them. THEY DON'T EVEN CARE WHO I AM THEY JUST WANT ME FOR MY CREDENTIALS! I FEEL SO USED! I will be calling them tomorrow to give them a "Don't call me, I'll call you" easy let down.
As a reward for reading my long "interview" rant, here is a "What's wrong with this picture?" game for you! Spot two weird things in this hot-off-the-press photo:
Answers are at the bottom, right side up. (I couldn't figure out how to make them upside down!)
Other fun facts of the day:
We made pizza on tortillas today! Four of them! Here are the ones I took pictures of...
I'll never buy pizza dough again. Hi Fred Armisen!
My straw collection is coming along nicely. I steal take 5-10 extra every time I go into a Starbucks, McDonalds, or Dunkin' Donuts. Protein shakes wouldn't be the same without them.
Think of all the money I'm saving! It's enough to buy 4-5 bananas every month!
Speaking of bananas...I kind of eat them now. Here's a teaser:
More on this later...
Today I ran along the Harlem River for the first time! It is great. Two separate couples were fishing in it (not pictured).
Finally, starting today, it's okay to sing the original "Happy Birthday" song in a movie because it's not copy written any more. This has nothing to do with me living in New York, but Eric just told me and I think it's a fun fact!
Answers to the "What's wrong with this picture?" game: 1. Not only is my muscle bulging, but so is the 18th golf-ball sized mosquito bite I've gotten since moving to New York! 2. Challenge is spelled wrong on my shirt! Old shirt, new discovery.
Have a great week!