Hitler Docs and Tummy Aches Showing Up Messy, Katie B. Takes a LeapKatie BarbaroOctober 23, 2018travel, showing up, slice of life, foodComment
Discovering my Personal Values: A Creative Laxative Katie B. Takes a Leap, Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroSeptember 20, 2018life coaching, values, transformation, recovery, light upComment
Re-Saging the Blog Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroJuly 30, 2018Creativity, creative resistance, fear, sage, curiosity, writingComment
PSA: Love is a Renewable Resource Showing Up Messy, CoachingKatie BarbaroMay 6, 2018life coaching, self love, love, vulnerability, connection, transformation, recovery, unconditional loveComment
How I Talk to the Tantrumming Toddler Inside of Me Showing Up Messy, Fed UpKatie BarbaroJanuary 11, 2018eating disorder, recovery, Oprah, Super Soul Sunday, transformation, food, food obsession, body, body love, body image, self love, selfcare, self talk, negative thought patternsComment
Do I Get Points for Making Peace with my Inner Achiever? Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroJanuary 6, 2018perfectionism, achievement, creativity, life coaching, self-reflection, selflove, play, structure, CreativityComment
A Perfectionist's Playground Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroDecember 16, 2017perfectionism, Creativity, creative resistance, showing up, fun, metaphorComment
I'm Not Eating This Burger To Be Sexy Showing Up Messy, Fed UpKatie BarbaroNovember 10, 2017intution, intuitive eating, treats, health, healthy, restrictive eating, binge eating, bulimia, eating disorder, recovery, creativity, sexy, menComment
Embracing My Inner Jerri Blank Showing Up MessyKatie BarbaroOctober 30, 2017fearimprov #bodylove #bodyimage #JerriBlank #creativity #TheFourAgreements #selflove #selfhelp #Halloween #shameresilience, fear, improv, body love, body, body image, validation, transformation, overcoming fear, The Four AgreementsComment