Re-Saging the Blog

Hello again my sweet sweet blog that I called "Showing Up Now" to remind myself I can choose to show up honestly and fully in any moment, just like this one! I'm back. I want to break the ice, clear the air, sage the space. I've never saged anything before in the "light a clump of herbs on fire" way, but when I logged in here this morning I discovered I have an unpublished draft from 10 months ago called "Saging the Blog," which I wrote in an attempt to make peace with typing on my computer, letting my thoughts flow freely and honestly, and sharing those inner-most thoughts with the outer-most World Wide Web. Writing it was helpful then, reading it is helpful now, and I'm sharing it in case it might help someone else return to a project that feels like it's too late to go back to. (Of course, it's never too late--right now is always the perfect time!)

I want to make this space comfortable to write in. I want this blog to feel cozy. I want to feel calm and open when I come here. Let's start writing in the present tense to make this happen. I am calm. I am open. I am curious about my thoughts. I am letting my ideas flow freely. I am treating myself with non-judgment and curiosity. I am letting this go where it wants to go and I am satisfied with the result. I am worthy of sharing my ideas. I am taken care of. I am loved. I see who I am today and I accept all that I am.

This is my space that I get to invite people into. It can feel however I want it to feel. I feel comfortable. I feel at home. I feel safe and connected. I am connected to my heart and I am listening to myself. I am also connecting with the world. In this moment I feel whole and complete. I am doing what feels like the next right action. I don't need anyone to tell me that what I'm doing is right. I trust that what I'm doing is right for me because it feels right for me. I'm such an ESFP.